Friday 12 December 2014

THE AMAZING YEAR 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi my name is Saijal and I'm going to talk about my awesome year 2014.

First I am going to talk about term 1. MY teacher is miss Lankow. and she is my teacher. First we did symmetrical smiles.Its when you design  a half a face and then you put the half of the face on the window and then you will see that you will see it on the other side. Then you trace it and colour it with pastel the you will see your symmetrical smile. Now I am going to talk about a trip we went on Birkenhead leisure centre it was so fun.We did kayaking and building a shelter and also playing games.We also had a teacher aid called Nicki she helps everybody
and she also helps with artwork.But its bead she left.

Now i am going to talk about term 2. We had a new teacher aid called Mrs Phipps she does the same thing like Nicki. We also went on a trip to Clevedon School to meet our buddies. My buddy was called Paige she is a year 6 or  5. We also came in our winter uniform because it was winter. We also learn't about ancient Rome and we did a project about Rome. Me and my buddy Shemaiah where finding out what do they use to make mosaics.We also did current events. Current events are things that happened recently.

Now I am going to talk about term 3. We went to Howick Historicial Village. We went to see the stuff in the olden days and we got to go to the school and you had to have a blackboard and chalk. We also got to see the huts they used to use in the past. We also had Wearable arts. Room 30 did togas.We did togas because we were learning about rome and you can were a toga.

Now i am going to talk about term 4. In term 4 we learned about space.We also had a space learning centre and space games . Next we also did grout for our clay tiles web made in term 2. Mr Christie our grouter he showed us how to grout our tiles. My tiles was rainbow.We also had a trip to go to but it was cancelled but we got to watch a movie.
Best year ever.

Thursday 11 December 2014

My incredible year of year 4!

 hi my name is victoria and i'm going to tell you all about my year of year 4.
so first in term 4 we had a teacher aid called Nicki and then at the end of the term she left to go to get a proper teaching job at an kinder garten.
then in also term 1 we made some semetrecal smiles.
we also made an oral language poster to introduce ourselves to the year.
We went to Birkenhead Lesire Center and did some kayaking,archery and rock climbing.

That was term 1.

Term 2

In term 2 we had to come to school in our winter school uniform.

There was another oral language presentation to do and this time it was all about current events.
Current events are what happened in the past to what happened through that time all the to the present   still with the same subject.

And we learnt about Pompeii and how it the worst volcano in the world erupted for the first time in 79 AD.
and we went on a trip to Clevedon School to visit out buddies that we had been emailing for a while. We looked around there school & they also had animals.

Term 3

In term 3 we learnt how to reflect and revolve a shape that we cut out and traced around it on a long pink piece of paper.

We painted a self portrait of our selves in our own cutral way.

Term 4

In term 4 the clevdon school buddies came to our school and it was awesome.
We also had the wearable arts show on and we performed to the song happy and it was a toga party.
On teusday 9 December we were supposed to go on a beach trip but there was a man running around with a gun and he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Today we going to do a lockdown practice so we know what to do.

That was MY YEAR Of Year 4n b

The wonderful 2014

The Awesome year 4

Hi welcome to my year 2014 at the awesome P.V.S

Hi I'm Sienna

This year has been an awesome year with an awesome teacher and with my amazing friends helping me with absolutely everything. This year Ive improved a lot in my spelling starting on level 32 with Vir and moving up four levels into level 36.

The thing that I've enjoyed the most would have to be our fantastic student teacher Miss Kimpton staying here for six weeks trailing along amazed by our huge school.  The most amazing thing was doing the kids for kids choir with my best friend Jessica and getting chosen out of about 15 other kids there but I got part in even though when I was trying singing for the first time.

My Favourite subject this year was doing art the two paintings that i've enjoyed the most was the sun art and the firework art . My least favourite subject is properly if I had to choose would be maths.I also really like doing class sports like long ball and Teaball and really recently we have been working on our room 30 parody of 12 days of christmas.

This year we had amazing trips to places like Birkenhead Leisure Centre where did archery, life skills and kayaking and going to the art gallery.

Also it was soooo funny when we had the day at the start of the year when we were trying to put the pockets in our folders and later on in the year when we tried to use them it was funny because nearly all of the clear pockets that put in were upside-down.

That was My awesome year.

Ive enjoyed everything in room 30 this year but one of the things that stands out for me is doing technology with Mr Rankin. We have learnt about helicopters & we made pizza. We made dragons out of toilet rolls & then we stuffed them & sewed them together. Mr Rankin  is funny & makes us laugh.

In term 1 the middle school went to the birkenhead leisure centre where we took part in a lot of different & new activites.  My favourite was the  team building stuff. We had to move tiles and to make your team across and we won we got across first.

I have learnt lots of different things in room 30. I have learnt how to weave, my 3 times tables & all about Rome. I am going to miss everyone in room 30 apart from the girls.

Its been a busy year full of exciting new things & I cant wait to move to the senior school where I will get to do even more amazing stuff.
I really want to be in room 17 with Mr P…..I will have to wait & see.

Miss Lankow has been a nice teacher & she has cool games that we can play. I have learnt lots of things from her. Thanks Miss Lankow.

By Alex

My year in room 30 - Alyssa

I have enjoyed learning lots of exciting things in room 30. One of my favourite activities we did was going to swimming at Lloyd Elsmore. We had to sit on the side of the wall with life jackets on & someone came along & pushed us in & we had to get to the other side . It was fun.

This year we have also had mufti days, Orca mufti & sausage sizzle. We eat sausages

By Alyssa

It has been the best year in year four!!!

It has been the best year in year four!!!

Hi there my name is violet.

I'm firstly going to tell you about the first day of year four.

On the first day of the year Room 30 opened up their stationary it was a disaster it was so messy!But the best part would have been working together.On the first day it was so awesome because we got to meet other people and make awesome enthusiastic friends.Also you get to meet your teacher.

Now i'm going to tell you about Miss Lankow 
She is great teacher and really awesome to be with she has lots of great idea's.Her art is really enthusiastic and creative.Her favourite colour is blue.

Now it is what I really really need to work on
It is my basic facts.Because I haven't learnt them as well as the other people and I am quit bad at them I don
't know why but I guess really still need to learn them.But I'll still have to learn them. I also really need to write neatly and read fluently.

Now I should tell you about the friends I have made.

Now about the enthusiastic art
probably the best art would have been our symmetrical smiles.Our togas were pretty awesome. Miss
 Lankow said they were amazing and said that we looked fantastic.Also a couple of terms ago we did mosaics it was very fun and very messy.But not as messy as the first day of school.It was amazing when it came out and it was dry and finished.
By Violet