Friday, 28 February 2014

How to win King kong at Point view school the easy way

 This how you win king kong step 1. sit up nice and sing beautiful step2. look proud don't look grumpy:( step3. be happy:) of course step4. when mrs Allen is speaking do not talk when she is all otherwise you won't get king kong step5. after all that then you will win king kong. By Kairyn 

Our stars

A couple of weeks ago Room 30 started making 3d stars. First, we got our pad paper and we wrote 10 things about us. Second, we got the unfolded star and coloured cardboard then we got our gluestick and glued the unfolded star. On the coloured cardboard. Third, we cut the unfold star then we started folding our star after we folded our star. We took an iPad and took a photo of ourselves. Fourth,we wrote our 10 things about us on our star then we uploaded our photo on the
laptop. Lastly, we glued our photo on the star then we wrote our name on our star next we gave it to Miss Lankow. Then she put a string on the top of the star and hung it up.

Our 3D stars

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Symmetrical Smiles

We are the smiliest class at Point View School!

This week we have been doing art called Symmetrical Smiles and everybody has been working so hard.

First we read the instructions and drew half of the smile.  Then we made it a bit darker so that when we leant on the window we could see it through the paper.  We traced it onto the other half of the paper.  We went over the pencil with black pastel and coloured it in with more pastel using contrasting colours.

Now they are very smiley and we have smiles all over our classroom!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Learning Together

Dear Room 30

I am so proud of you.  I can't believe you have only been in Year 4 for two days.  Already you are showing great teamwork and helpful attitudes.

Today you showed that you have perseverance.  I set you a challenge and I know that many of you found it difficult.  It was tricky for some of you to take the spine off your folder.  Those slippery plastic pockets didn't always want to go in the right place.  And then just when you thought you'd finally got it all together, some of you found that you'd put your pockets in upside down!

But not one of you gave up.  Nobody cried or threw a tantrum.  Every single one of you showed that you weren't going to let the challenge get you down.

And what was also wonderful to see, was the way you helped each other.  I hope Ms Pirie and Mrs Parr find out how fabulous you are, because I am very proud of you.

It's going to be a great year!

Your teacher,
Miss L

P.S.  Here's a couple of photos I took while you were concentrating so hard on putting those folders together!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

We are Room 30!

Welcome to our class blog! We are excited to be starting Year 4 and being role models for the Year 3s. So far today we have been meeting new people in our classroom and some of our fabulous friends from last year.

Mr Rankin is our neighbour this year and we wonder whether we will be noisier than him! At the moment most of us still have holiday brain so we're not sure what to expect from this year. However, we do know it's going to be an amazing year!

This is us on Day One!