Twelve Days of Christmas from Heather Lankow on Vimeo.
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Friday, 12 December 2014
THE AMAZING YEAR 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi my name is Saijal and I'm going to talk about my awesome year 2014.
First I am going to talk about term 1. MY teacher is miss Lankow. and she is my teacher. First we did symmetrical smiles.Its when you design a half a face and then you put the half of the face on the window and then you will see that you will see it on the other side. Then you trace it and colour it with pastel the you will see your symmetrical smile. Now I am going to talk about a trip we went on Birkenhead leisure centre it was so fun.We did kayaking and building a shelter and also playing games.We also had a teacher aid called Nicki she helps everybody
and she also helps with artwork.But its bead she left.
Now i am going to talk about term 2. We had a new teacher aid called Mrs Phipps she does the same thing like Nicki. We also went on a trip to Clevedon School to meet our buddies. My buddy was called Paige she is a year 6 or 5. We also came in our winter uniform because it was winter. We also learn't about ancient Rome and we did a project about Rome. Me and my buddy Shemaiah where finding out what do they use to make mosaics.We also did current events. Current events are things that happened recently.
Now I am going to talk about term 3. We went to Howick Historicial Village. We went to see the stuff in the olden days and we got to go to the school and you had to have a blackboard and chalk. We also got to see the huts they used to use in the past. We also had Wearable arts. Room 30 did togas.We did togas because we were learning about rome and you can were a toga.
Now i am going to talk about term 4. In term 4 we learned about space.We also had a space learning centre and space games . Next we also did grout for our clay tiles web made in term 2. Mr Christie our grouter he showed us how to grout our tiles. My tiles was rainbow.We also had a trip to go to but it was cancelled but we got to watch a movie.
Best year ever.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
My incredible year of year 4!
hi my name is victoria and i'm going to tell you all about my year of year 4.
so first in term 4 we had a teacher aid called Nicki and then at the end of the term she left to go to get a proper teaching job at an kinder garten.
then in also term 1 we made some semetrecal smiles.
we also made an oral language poster to introduce ourselves to the year.
We went to Birkenhead Lesire Center and did some kayaking,archery and rock climbing.
That was term 1.
Term 2
In term 2 we had to come to school in our winter school uniform.
There was another oral language presentation to do and this time it was all about current events.
Current events are what happened in the past to what happened through that time all the to the present still with the same subject.
And we learnt about Pompeii and how it the worst volcano in the world erupted for the first time in 79 AD.
and we went on a trip to Clevedon School to visit out buddies that we had been emailing for a while. We looked around there school & they also had animals.
Term 3
In term 3 we learnt how to reflect and revolve a shape that we cut out and traced around it on a long pink piece of paper.
We painted a self portrait of our selves in our own cutral way.
Term 4
In term 4 the clevdon school buddies came to our school and it was awesome.
We also had the wearable arts show on and we performed to the song happy and it was a toga party.
On teusday 9 December we were supposed to go on a beach trip but there was a man running around with a gun and he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Today we going to do a lockdown practice so we know what to do.
That was MY YEAR Of Year 4n b
we also made an oral language poster to introduce ourselves to the year.
We went to Birkenhead Lesire Center and did some kayaking,archery and rock climbing.
That was term 1.
Term 2
In term 2 we had to come to school in our winter school uniform.
There was another oral language presentation to do and this time it was all about current events.
Current events are what happened in the past to what happened through that time all the to the present still with the same subject.
And we learnt about Pompeii and how it the worst volcano in the world erupted for the first time in 79 AD.
and we went on a trip to Clevedon School to visit out buddies that we had been emailing for a while. We looked around there school & they also had animals.
Term 3
In term 3 we learnt how to reflect and revolve a shape that we cut out and traced around it on a long pink piece of paper.
We painted a self portrait of our selves in our own cutral way.
Term 4
In term 4 the clevdon school buddies came to our school and it was awesome.
We also had the wearable arts show on and we performed to the song happy and it was a toga party.
On teusday 9 December we were supposed to go on a beach trip but there was a man running around with a gun and he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Today we going to do a lockdown practice so we know what to do.
That was MY YEAR Of Year 4n b
The wonderful 2014
The Awesome year 4
Hi welcome to my year 2014 at the awesome P.V.S
Hi I'm Sienna
This year has been an awesome year with an awesome teacher and with my amazing friends helping me with absolutely everything. This year Ive improved a lot in my spelling starting on level 32 with Vir and moving up four levels into level 36.Hi welcome to my year 2014 at the awesome P.V.S
Hi I'm Sienna
The thing that I've enjoyed the most would have to be our fantastic student teacher Miss Kimpton staying here for six weeks trailing along amazed by our huge school. The most amazing thing was doing the kids for kids choir with my best friend Jessica and getting chosen out of about 15 other kids there but I got part in even though when I was trying singing for the first time.
My Favourite subject this year was doing art the two paintings that i've enjoyed the most was the sun art and the firework art . My least favourite subject is properly if I had to choose would be maths.I also really like doing class sports like long ball and Teaball and really recently we have been working on our room 30 parody of 12 days of christmas.
This year we had amazing trips to places like Birkenhead Leisure Centre where did archery, life skills and kayaking and going to the art gallery.
Also it was soooo funny when we had the day at the start of the year when we were trying to put the pockets in our folders and later on in the year when we tried to use them it was funny because nearly all of the clear pockets that put in were upside-down.
That was My awesome year.
Ive enjoyed everything in room 30 this year but one of the things that stands out for me is doing technology with Mr Rankin. We have learnt about helicopters & we made pizza. We made dragons out of toilet rolls & then we stuffed them & sewed them together. Mr Rankin is funny & makes us laugh.
In term 1 the middle school went to the birkenhead leisure centre where we took part in a lot of different & new activites. My favourite was the team building stuff. We had to move tiles and to make your team across and we won we got across first.
I have learnt lots of different things in room 30. I have learnt how to weave, my 3 times tables & all about Rome. I am going to miss everyone in room 30 apart from the girls.
Its been a busy year full of exciting new things & I cant wait to move to the senior school where I will get to do even more amazing stuff.
I really want to be in room 17 with Mr P…..I will have to wait & see.
Miss Lankow has been a nice teacher & she has cool games that we can play. I have learnt lots of things from her. Thanks Miss Lankow.
By Alex
My year in room 30 - Alyssa
I have enjoyed learning lots of exciting things in room 30. One of my favourite activities we did was going to swimming at Lloyd Elsmore. We had to sit on the side of the wall with life jackets on & someone came along & pushed us in & we had to get to the other side . It was fun.
This year we have also had mufti days, Orca mufti & sausage sizzle. We eat sausages
By Alyssa
It has been the best year in year four!!!
It has been the best year in year four!!!
Hi there my name is violet.
I'm firstly going to tell you about the first day of year four.
On the first day of the year Room 30 opened up their stationary it was a disaster it was so messy!But the best part would have been working together.On the first day it was so awesome because we got to meet other people and make awesome enthusiastic friends.Also you get to meet your teacher.
Now i'm going to tell you about Miss Lankow
She is great teacher and really awesome to be with she has lots of great idea's.Her art is really enthusiastic and creative.Her favourite colour is blue.
Now it is what I really really need to work on
It is my basic facts.Because I haven't learnt them as well as the other people and I am quit bad at them I don
't know why but I guess really still need to learn them.But I'll still have to learn them. I also really need to write neatly and read fluently.
Now I should tell you about the friends I have made.
Now about the enthusiastic art
probably the best art would have been our symmetrical smiles.Our togas were pretty awesome. Miss
Lankow said they were amazing and said that we looked fantastic.Also a couple of terms ago we did mosaics it was very fun and very messy.But not as messy as the first day of school.It was amazing when it came out and it was dry and finished.
By Violet
Now i'm going to tell you about Miss Lankow
She is great teacher and really awesome to be with she has lots of great idea's.Her art is really enthusiastic and creative.Her favourite colour is blue.
Now it is what I really really need to work on
It is my basic facts.Because I haven't learnt them as well as the other people and I am quit bad at them I don
't know why but I guess really still need to learn them.But I'll still have to learn them. I also really need to write neatly and read fluently.
Now I should tell you about the friends I have made.
Now about the enthusiastic art
probably the best art would have been our symmetrical smiles.Our togas were pretty awesome. Miss
Lankow said they were amazing and said that we looked fantastic.Also a couple of terms ago we did mosaics it was very fun and very messy.But not as messy as the first day of school.It was amazing when it came out and it was dry and finished.
By Violet
2014 the best year
Ive enjoyed nearly every thing in room 30this year has been great like when are cleavden buddies came
and orca day was pretty cool i liked the mini ukes that was fun.
I enjoyed the wearble arts show. I,ve learned all my times tables 9x9=81.
i liked kayaking at the burgen head legure ceuntre.
i liked the police helicopter it was very windy the grass was blowing around.i like playing on the senoir playground on wendsday.
i liked it when we went to art galary were we did some cool year i want to inprove in my handwriting and maths. the end
this year has been great like when are cleavden buddies came
and orca day was pretty cool i liked the mini ukes that was fun.
I enjoyed the wearble arts show. I,ve learned all my times tables 9x9=81.
i liked kayaking at the burgen head legure ceuntre.
i liked the police helicopter it was very windy the grass was blowing around.i like playing on the senoir playground on wendsday.
i liked it when we went to art galary were we did some cool year i want to inprove in my handwriting and maths. the end
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
All about school
school is about having fun and learning some of the subject at school is maths, reading, writing, and handwriting and school you lern make friends improved on al sots of friends are the best i have ever made and i hope you have great friends a good learner just fantastic.also be nice to yore teacher.
by josh
by josh
2014 dani
Hi my name is Danielle but for short you can call me Dani this is my year in year 4. I was in room30 it was a hard year because this is the year that you find out who has a crush on you and when I become year 5 its going to be harder because that is when the boys ask you out you know what boys are not scared to ask you out they are just scared of the answer.
The best thing was school commonwealth games I played in the skipping games me and Shemaiah got first place it made room30 proud and they played room30's song HAPPY!!!! Miss kimpton was are student teacher she was really fun to work with.
I've built my friendship Evie and her friends and I have made some more friends is well
We also did wearable arts we were learning about ancient rome I learnt a lot
I learnt a lot this year and I think I will be ok next year
From dani
We also did wearable arts we were learning about ancient rome I learnt a lot
I learnt a lot this year and I think I will be ok next year
From dani
2014 was the best it was awesome I like senior but I'm going to talk about this year.
in room 30 my favourite subject is writing it was easy and sometimes hard cause I have no ides.
my favourite thing that middle school did is common wealth games i did bum shuffle room 30 won both of them.
on the real cross country it was tough and long I got a stitch and I was tired and sweaty my foot was sore.
on athletics day we did sport the whole day I did not have a favourite sport
on term 3 and a bit of term 4 we learn't about rome they did not have chopsticks or spoons and of course forks they just eat with there hands.mostly in the roman times the boys names have us and girls had...... i forgot what it is cause it was from term 3 and its nearly the holidays.In rome a vocano erupted and covered the whole city and some people some survived and some died by lava and ash and fire and most of all...... the VOCANO!!!
this year we went to Clevdon school it was awesome we went there to see our buddy's from room 7
they had a swimming pool they go in the pool in SUMMER THE BEST SEASON FOR ME its my favourite season in the WORLD! :)
in room 30 my favourite subject is writing it was easy and sometimes hard cause I have no ides.
my favourite thing that middle school did is common wealth games i did bum shuffle room 30 won both of them.
on the real cross country it was tough and long I got a stitch and I was tired and sweaty my foot was sore.
on athletics day we did sport the whole day I did not have a favourite sport
on term 3 and a bit of term 4 we learn't about rome they did not have chopsticks or spoons and of course forks they just eat with there hands.mostly in the roman times the boys names have us and girls had...... i forgot what it is cause it was from term 3 and its nearly the holidays.In rome a vocano erupted and covered the whole city and some people some survived and some died by lava and ash and fire and most of all...... the VOCANO!!!
this year we went to Clevdon school it was awesome we went there to see our buddy's from room 7
they had a swimming pool they go in the pool in SUMMER THE BEST SEASON FOR ME its my favourite season in the WORLD! :)
Hi my name is Josh
2014 was the best year ever at Point View it was so fun. All the activities that we did were was just the best but we couldn't make it without Miss Lankow.
I have enjoyed learning about basic facts because it was fun and i like learning about it.I have enjoyed cross country because it so fun and awesome it was a very silly day.
I improved on my reading because i think it was my Zac power books and my reading program i think it has help me a lot. I have improved on my maths because of practicing basic facts and a lot of other things to.I think i have improved on my hand writing because of a lot of hard work i have put into my hand writing.
The friends i have made are Jack and Keven, Gladwyn they have been the best friends ever they have helpful to me.
by Joshua
2014 was the best year ever at Point View it was so fun. All the activities that we did were was just the best but we couldn't make it without Miss Lankow.
I have enjoyed learning about basic facts because it was fun and i like learning about it.I have enjoyed cross country because it so fun and awesome it was a very silly day.
I improved on my reading because i think it was my Zac power books and my reading program i think it has help me a lot. I have improved on my maths because of practicing basic facts and a lot of other things to.I think i have improved on my hand writing because of a lot of hard work i have put into my hand writing.
The friends i have made are Jack and Keven, Gladwyn they have been the best friends ever they have helpful to me.
by Joshua
2014, My Best Year At PVS!!!!!
2014 was the best year I have ever had at Point View School!!!! I am looking forward to guessing what will happen in the senior school, but I have to tell you the biggest highlights I've ever had at school. It starts now !!!!!!!
Now the first highlight of all, this one is about making my friends. Their names are Jack and Joshua. The were the best they were my best friends for about two and a half terms. then I made some new friends. There names are Gladwyn and Keven.
After I had made my first friends I decided that writing is my favourite subject. Writing is still my favourite subject.
This way to the next step. This paragraph is about my favourite sport, Cricket!!!!!!! But I only got one session,because I had to go to this special movie making programme. Find details in the next paragraph.
In term 1 me, Kairyn and Mia went to a movie making programme with Mrs Crous, the teacher of Room 16.
Next we had to do the Commonwealth Challenge , which was the mini Commonwealth Games. We came third place!!!
Then we had our wearable arts . Our topic was to do with Ancient Rome. We wore sandles made from cardboard, togas from sheets and leave crowns made from cardboard.
The last Highlightis about the cricket squads. That means if I trile really well I'll be in the team next year.
That was the details for my best year at PVS!!
After I had made my first friends I decided that writing is my favourite subject. Writing is still my favourite subject.
This way to the next step. This paragraph is about my favourite sport, Cricket!!!!!!! But I only got one session,because I had to go to this special movie making programme. Find details in the next paragraph.
In term 1 me, Kairyn and Mia went to a movie making programme with Mrs Crous, the teacher of Room 16.
Next we had to do the Commonwealth Challenge , which was the mini Commonwealth Games. We came third place!!!
Then we had our wearable arts . Our topic was to do with Ancient Rome. We wore sandles made from cardboard, togas from sheets and leave crowns made from cardboard.
The last Highlightis about the cricket squads. That means if I trile really well I'll be in the team next year.
That was the details for my best year at PVS!!
Fab 2014
Hi my name is EvieI've enjoyed learning with my friends and hanging out with Danielle at lunch times.
Our pen pals are in room7 my pen pal is Kara she's an awesome pen pal (at cleavedon
school.) iv'e only met her once when they came to our school for a surprise because when we came to their school Kara was in Euorope sad.:(
Friends Iv'e made are Victoria, Dani, Saijal, Hannah and Katarina.
We were suppose to go to eastern beach but a man had a gun in a house very close and was threatinig to hurt himself
so we (middle school) couldn't go. booooooo. so guess what we watched the movie gansta grannie .
Through out the year miss Lankow read us gansta grannie and its AWESOME now were reading mr stink.
This year we all learnt about romans in pompie we especially learnt
about the volcano eruption and about the roman empire we made mosaics first with
paper then with clay.
Miss Kimpton (our student teacher) came to our class for 5 weeks she was AWESOME
sometimes she'd teach reading or math or handwriting she was a great student teacher
every one misses her badly.
We hope to sees her soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Every end of the year in years 3 and 4 we have a santa concert.Room 30 is doing on the 12th day of christmas
with our own words and on the first day of christmas my santa gave to me and our parents join in with jump jam
My Awesome 2014
My Awesome 2014
This was the best year of my school life.
It has been amazing with my wonderful teacher, in class my spelling was improving , in the start of the year I was on level 30 now I'm on level 34. I also think I've improved a lot on maths and reading. I've also had quite a lot of reading tests during the year.
My favourite activities we've done are art, singing and sport my favourite sport we've done is athletics day and cross country and common wealth games.But my favourite art was when our clevedon school buddies came to our school and we did weaving for our art.Even though I missed the trip to Clevedon school I still got to know my buddy quite well when they came to our school.
I've made quite a lot of friends this year,I've made about 8 friends.My favourite part about having a friend is when they help you when you need it and when they take you to the teacher when you get hurt.
This year I've joined the choir and I got chosen for icas and the year 4 maths group.I like classes that do lots of art and different subjects,and thats the class I'm in this year.This class has lots of nice class mates and a very wonderful teacher thats full of great ideas of subjects to do through out the year.
The other teachers in the middle school are also amazing but this is the best teacher I've had so far. During the year we've done lots of sport and art and had lots of fun.We've had quite alot trips this year as well.
During class Miss Lankow has challenged us and mostly in maths but in the end we all mark it together and then we can find out what the answer is.We always do lots of fun things at the end of the year.We also have a lot of special days.
Room 30 is awesome !!!
2014 Memorys
I've enjoyed this year so much cose at technology we made dragons,gears,pizza and helicopters.It was so awesome I really liked the pizza because it is so yummy.The dragons are pretty cool because there are like puppets because you hold long toothpicks so we can hold it.
Orca day was pretty cool with all the cupcakes and face paints.There was some fun games there and I think there was a duck soder came,it was pretty fun.You also get jelly beans and some other stuff like a sticker.
Our cleevnden buddies school has a swimming pool but we have a bigger school way bigger school than them.We did some fun activities and we did some art which involved weaving which I am pretty bad at.
Miss kimpton was nice teacher and when she tried to be angry she was not because she was to nice.We did some fun arts which involved fingers on the paper.
I had lots of fun this year!
Our cleevnden buddies school has a swimming pool but we have a bigger school way bigger school than them.We did some fun activities and we did some art which involved weaving which I am pretty bad at.
Miss kimpton was nice teacher and when she tried to be angry she was not because she was to nice.We did some fun arts which involved fingers on the paper.
I had lots of fun this year!
My Highlights for 2014
My name is Katarina and i am gonna show you what i did in year 4.
In the beginning im gonna tell you some stuff.
I’ve enjoyed every second of this year this is a really fun year to be in because next year we are going to be year…..5 which is really fun.
I’ve learnt that the Roman empires wore some kinda crown which i really liked that is amazing.
The best thing was when we did weaving with some colored paper with our Clevedon buddies my buddy is called Alyssa she is very nice to me.
Friends i’ve made was Evie,Saijal,Victoria,Sienna and Jessica and Violet some of you might know these people especially Sienna because she is popular in this school.
Goals i’ve achieved was i’ve learnt how to create an amazing crown. I learnt it while we were learning about Rome.
Highlights were the time that all the classes had to do the wearable arts our class had to do about Rome we wore the crown that I told you and a toga also the last one is we had to wear a roman sandals.
Next year I hope i will go in the ukelele band like my sister right now.
When i'm in senior school I want a teacher that likes art and math.
I bet you're gonna have fun in year four!
My Highlights for 2014!
My name is Hannah and I will be introducing myself to you about the wonderful year I have had in year 4! I bet that you are going to have fun in year 4!
I’ve enjoyed doing creative Art with my B.F.F. Katarina. My favourite art was Weaving because I’ve also learnt a lot about it because I’ve never done Weaving before! I found it really
I’ve learnt a lot about the past because for topic we always learn about the past. For me I really liked learning about it. We had to make something like a poster because, well I forgot why!
The best thing was making new friends. I can’t tell you who because you will see in the next
Friends I’ve made are Jessica, Evie, saijal, Victoria and Violet!!!!!!! They are all girls!!!!!
Goals I’ve achieved were when I got my first Gold Card Award! The good thing was that I was the First person to get the new Gold Card!
Highlights were when I made it in the Middle School Gate art Group!
Next year I hope that I will do well and do good things!
When I’m in the Senior School I am going to be a great role model to the smaller children than
Year 4 is the best year I’ve had yet!!!!!
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
The best year in year 4 !!!!!
The best in year four !!!!!
Hi my name is Mia
I'm here tell you about the sensational year in year four I've had.
First I'm going to tell you about term one lets start.
I'm going to start with my symmetrical smile. So the first step was to draw a paten then copy the paten on the other side but to make it easier I put it on the window and copied it onto the other side but you had to make the exact same then the second part was to colour my symmetrical smile I coloured mine in purple, blue, lime green and red that was in the middle. Now lastly you had to go over the pencil
line in black pastel that was the easy part. Now I'm going to tell you a little bit about Orca day for Orca day you have to were black and white because Orcas are black and White you also can dress up as a orca because there is a contest that you can win there are lots more contest that you can also win you can even play some games and get some lollies.We also found out that we had buddies and they were from clevdon school my buddie is called Aria she is a year six
it's not that far away.
Lets move on to term 2
I'm going to start with wacky hair and hat day that is when you come to school with wacky hair or a hat on your head. We also had our commonwealth games in term two. There was a lot of different actives to get into. There was Skipping, Hula - hooping , Shape box and bum shuffle. You get little badges if you come 1,2,3 you also get to stand on on little Boxes.
now it time for term 3
In term 3 we had a fun student teacher her name was Miss Kimpton we did lots of fun stuff with here did an alien box, a Mori sun we also did other stuff with Miss Kimpton she was a amazing student teacher. We also had werable arts that was when we could make some art that we could wear room30 did togas main looked awesome and when I performed it looked better and better every time
Now term four
In term four miss kimpton lift. We made her some cards and she gave as a present. We did a lot of writing and art with miss kimpton she was a fun student teacher for art with her we did a sun and for writing we did alien boxes now I'am going to talk about my goals first math my math goals were to work on my +, -, x and my Division now for my reading and my writing goals I've improve a lot on both of them I think I'am a lot better . I can't wait till I'am in the senior school to see what fun active we do there. I'll see you next year have a merry Christmas and a Happy new year
By Mia.
it's not that far away.
Lets move on to term 2
I'm going to start with wacky hair and hat day that is when you come to school with wacky hair or a hat on your head. We also had our commonwealth games in term two. There was a lot of different actives to get into. There was Skipping, Hula - hooping , Shape box and bum shuffle. You get little badges if you come 1,2,3 you also get to stand on on little Boxes.
now it time for term 3
In term 3 we had a fun student teacher her name was Miss Kimpton we did lots of fun stuff with here did an alien box, a Mori sun we also did other stuff with Miss Kimpton she was a amazing student teacher. We also had werable arts that was when we could make some art that we could wear room30 did togas main looked awesome and when I performed it looked better and better every time
Now term four
In term four miss kimpton lift. We made her some cards and she gave as a present. We did a lot of writing and art with miss kimpton she was a fun student teacher for art with her we did a sun and for writing we did alien boxes now I'am going to talk about my goals first math my math goals were to work on my +, -, x and my Division now for my reading and my writing goals I've improve a lot on both of them I think I'am a lot better . I can't wait till I'am in the senior school to see what fun active we do there. I'll see you next year have a merry Christmas and a Happy new year
By Mia.
Monday, 8 December 2014
2014 My Best Year Ever!!!
2014 was the best year I had.I am looking forward to the senior school,but I need to tell you the highlights of this year.
My best friends are Vir and Kevin. They are good at lots of stuff.
In Room 30, my favourite highlight of this year is sports. My favourite sport is sprinting, that was awesome!!!
My best friends are Vir and Kevin. They are good at lots of stuff.
In Room 30, my favourite highlight of this year is sports. My favourite sport is sprinting, that was awesome!!!
My favorite subject was reading. Reading makes me learn new words,learn new stuff and read difficult words.
I like writing too. For example, Alien writing. I like using Vibrant Verbs and Awesome Adjectives.
Math helps me solve problem like how much a pineapple weighs.
Then Miss Kimpton was so awesome.She teach us how to make the sun from a story......
Grandparents day was intresting, because they are lots of brillant performers dancing and lots of fantastic singing. The dance I liked was performed by Kairyn.
Cultural day was excellent too. We saw lots of cool stuff. When it was the talent show day, there were people from different countries performing lots of cultural stuff.
Athletics day was a cool day.I love to do all the games and sport they prepared. My favorite part on athletics day was sprinting. We saw the final sprinters and our relay teams after lunch.
The police and the helicopter were cool too. They are lots of cool stuff in the helicopter that was superb.
I'm looking forward to my basic fact test.
I'm proud to be in Room 30.
2014 is the best!!!
By Gladwyn
I like writing too. For example, Alien writing. I like using Vibrant Verbs and Awesome Adjectives.
Math helps me solve problem like how much a pineapple weighs.
Then Miss Kimpton was so awesome.She teach us how to make the sun from a story......
Grandparents day was intresting, because they are lots of brillant performers dancing and lots of fantastic singing. The dance I liked was performed by Kairyn.
Cultural day was excellent too. We saw lots of cool stuff. When it was the talent show day, there were people from different countries performing lots of cultural stuff.
Athletics day was a cool day.I love to do all the games and sport they prepared. My favorite part on athletics day was sprinting. We saw the final sprinters and our relay teams after lunch.
The police and the helicopter were cool too. They are lots of cool stuff in the helicopter that was superb.
I'm looking forward to my basic fact test.
I'm proud to be in Room 30.
2014 is the best!!!
By Gladwyn
2014 Alex H !!!!!!!
I enjoyed every thing enspeshaly technology because it is like playing all day.
I learnt lots and my favourite topic was maths.
The best thing was all the trips and all the technolgy sesons.
friends I made was Lemond and Bradley.
Next year I want to be in Mr paeranga's class and I think that I will have a great year in his class.
when I am in the senior school
The best thing was all the trips and all the technolgy sesons.
friends I made was Lemond and Bradley.
Next year I want to be in Mr paeranga's class and I think that I will have a great year in his class.
when I am in the senior school
2014 Bradley
2014 was EPIC!!!! I've enjoyed EVRY thing exspeshilay TECHNOLOGY because we got to BAKE,WE GOT TO PLAY WITH LEGO,WE GOT TO PLAY WITH MOKONTROLLE HELLICOPORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so cool :) I learnt lots of ties tables like 1x1 1
10x10=100 but most of all i lo ve playing LONG BALL it is a sport/game it is really fun
my friends where Lemond and Alex H and Ethan Ethan is a year 5 but he is still my friend
Ethan lim tang
O l O
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O l O
Alex H
O l O
When I am in the senior school I want to be in the rugby team and the soccer team.I also want to be in Mr Paeranga's class s we can do MINECRAFT! or Mr wright's class i will like that ALOT that will be cool i want to be with Alex H and Lemond because they are my only friens.
my highlights where going to comenwelth games we came 3rd place and the athletics we came 2nd for sprints
I hope i am in a good class next year
By Bradley.
my friends where Lemond and Alex H and Ethan Ethan is a year 5 but he is still my friend
Ethan lim tang
O l O
________ __________
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O l O
Alex H
O l O
When I am in the senior school I want to be in the rugby team and the soccer team.I also want to be in Mr Paeranga's class s we can do MINECRAFT! or Mr wright's class i will like that ALOT that will be cool i want to be with Alex H and Lemond because they are my only friens.
my highlights where going to comenwelth games we came 3rd place and the athletics we came 2nd for sprints
I hope i am in a good class next year
By Bradley.
Hi my name is Jack
This year I liked going to clevdon school,making our symmetrical smilies going to Birkenhead because we got go kayaking,making dragons in the technology room,doing technology term 2,I liked orca day because got to spend money,I liked wearable arts,I liked grand parents day because I got perform in the assemble.
This year I've learn't how to sow with a needle,capacity,the gas giants,linking and use the photo copier.
this year I made friends with connor,joshua,vir and gladwyn.
my goals for next year are are to improve in spelling reading and wring also I need to no my division facts.
next year I wan't to be in the cricket team,the senior bees, the senior choir.
This year I liked going to clevdon school,making our symmetrical smilies going to Birkenhead because we got go kayaking,making dragons in the technology room,doing technology term 2,I liked orca day because got to spend money,I liked wearable arts,I liked grand parents day because I got perform in the assemble.
This year I've learn't how to sow with a needle,capacity,the gas giants,linking and use the photo copier.
this year I made friends with connor,joshua,vir and gladwyn.
my goals for next year are are to improve in spelling reading and wring also I need to no my division facts.
next year I wan't to be in the cricket team,the senior bees, the senior choir.
$2014$ EPIC!! YEAR!!
(A FUN YEAR IN YEAR 4)(THIS YEAR IT WAS EPIC!!) it was so cool it was epic we went to clevedon school!! and we done athletics which was so awesome!!. This year we had i student teacher her name was miss kimpton she was so fun and cool we enjoyed it with miss kimpton she was cool she always helped me with everything i would need help with she was awesome.
Cross country for point view there cross country the year 3's went first and the girls 1st place Tori 2nd place isabella 3rd don't know. year 3 boys 1st place tomaki 2nd place thomas 3rd place don't know year 4 girls 1st place always ruby 2nd place angelina 3rd place alicia. year 4 boys i am doing the top 8 1st place daniel b 2nd place joshua c 3rd place cameron c 4th place griffin 5th place john 6th place che won 7th place alex k 8th place me kairyn a thats all.
Pompeii in room 30 we have been learning about pompeii time by time the times were 8am 1pm 3pm 5pm 8pm 1am 6am and later that day is the last one and that is some stuff about pompeii.
Cross country for point view there cross country the year 3's went first and the girls 1st place Tori 2nd place isabella 3rd don't know. year 3 boys 1st place tomaki 2nd place thomas 3rd place don't know year 4 girls 1st place always ruby 2nd place angelina 3rd place alicia. year 4 boys i am doing the top 8 1st place daniel b 2nd place joshua c 3rd place cameron c 4th place griffin 5th place john 6th place che won 7th place alex k 8th place me kairyn a thats all.
Pompeii in room 30 we have been learning about pompeii time by time the times were 8am 1pm 3pm 5pm 8pm 1am 6am and later that day is the last one and that is some stuff about pompeii.
Friday, 5 December 2014
THE BEST YEAR IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There was a special visitor in the in the class on the last week of term 3. It was Miss Kimpton.Let me explain, the day that we were practicing plays, a stranger walked into the class room.Then everyone was like who is she? After that Miss Lankow introduced Miss Kimpton. Miss Lankow said"Class this is Miss Kimpton". Miss Kimpton could only stay for 5 weeks, she was really fun.
Here is the part when I tell you about athletics day. I competed in long jump and the relays. Both of the room 30 relay teams came 2nd. Sienna was so close to winning.
Now I really want to tell you about Grandparents Day.My Nana and Grandad came to Grandparents day. My Grandad came to my class and my Nana went to my brothers class. I watched a little of the Juniors Folk Dance.
Once a year there is orca-day. It is when you can come in black and white. You can also bring som e money if you want to by stuff, play games and win prizes. You can even by a orca band for $2.
The best thing in term 4 is the Bee Lady coming in to see the middle school. In the morning the middle school went to the hall. We learnt so much. After morning-tea some of the middle school went to do different activities. Miss Lankow split Room 30 into groups. I was split apart from Evie, Victoria and Saijal. The candle making was the easiest to do. First you get some wool/string and a flat piece of bee wax. Then you roll the wool/string in the wax then light the bit at the top. Be careful not to light yourself!
My best year yet
This year was my best year yet. I just wish that I can stay in Room 30. It will be so sad to leave room 30. It was so epic.
My favourite time was in term 4 when our Clevedon buddys came. My buddy was Joe. He's cool. I
did heaps of cool stuff with him. I've enjoyed doing weaving with him. It was hard but it turned out awesome.
It was funny when we tried to crash google apps. We had about 28 people on the same document. Why were 28 people on a document because we were doing chunks. It did not work.
When we were learning about Rome. Miss Lankow came up with an idea of making our own mosaics. First me made a paper mosaic. It didi not take that long to make. Then we made a mosaic out of clay. We had to make square tiles then we painted it. Next we use a hot glue gun to glue the tiles on a square pice of wood. Last we put grout around the tiles.
My goal for next year is...
To get better at reading.
To do my best at the subjects I want to get better at.
I made 3 friend this year they are..
Connor, Jared, andAlex K.
By Alvin
Thursday, 4 December 2014
This morning Alex k got certificate for athletics long jump he was in 9 and under he was the youngest and he came 2nd place and he only got 1 certificate but he done well and the relay team came first.
Monday, 1 December 2014
Our best year 4 memories in Room 30 2014
Hi my name is Kevin and I'm going to talk about my best memories in Room 30 2014.
In Room 30 these are my favourite highlights like reading because I have improved by a lot so as maths. I also like art because you can be creative and design anything you want in art.
My favourite subjects is reading because I can learn more things,I also like writing because I can weigh anything in my book.I like Maths because we can learn our Division,Subtraction,Addition and Multiplication.
I also liked when Miss Kimpton helped in our class for five weeks because she red us a book called how tane slowed the sun because we got to draw a awesome sun.
I also like doing technology because we made some food and some other things as well like making rat traps playing lego but my favourite thing is when we made the yummy pizzas.
My new best friends are Gladwyn,Vir and Gladon.
Miss Lankow is one of my favourite teachers now
The end By Kevin
In Room 30 these are my favourite highlights like reading because I have improved by a lot so as maths. I also like art because you can be creative and design anything you want in art.
My favourite subjects is reading because I can learn more things,I also like writing because I can weigh anything in my book.I like Maths because we can learn our Division,Subtraction,Addition and Multiplication.
I also liked when Miss Kimpton helped in our class for five weeks because she red us a book called how tane slowed the sun because we got to draw a awesome sun.
I also like doing technology because we made some food and some other things as well like making rat traps playing lego but my favourite thing is when we made the yummy pizzas.
My new best friends are Gladwyn,Vir and Gladon.
Miss Lankow is one of my favourite teachers now
The end By Kevin
Friday, 28 November 2014
Boom beach
In boom beach you have to blow up beachs then you get money my base has been like a 100 times.By connor&josh
My BFFs Evie,Victoria,Dani,Mia
Evie is really nice and she is very helpful. She always shares her stationary. Evie's favourite colours are pink,yellow, Lime green and Light blue She won second place and third place in dancing. AWESOME !
Victoria is very bright and cheerful. She is very funny and she laughs a lot and she is cool. Her favourite colours are Purple and blue
Dani is cool,funny and original. She is laughs a lot and she is helpful. Her favourite colours are purple and light blue.
Mia is Awesome and jazzy. She is really nice and crazy. Her favourite colours are Blue,purple and lime green.
These are my awesome friends !!!
Dani is cool,funny and original. She is laughs a lot and she is helpful. Her favourite colours are purple and light blue.
Mia is Awesome and jazzy. She is really nice and crazy. Her favourite colours are Blue,purple and lime green.
These are my awesome friends !!!
Monday, 24 November 2014
Bees trip to Calf Club day
On Friday the year 4 bees group went to a school for Calf Club Day.
We take money to buy food and stuff.

We pack up our bags and we go to the office.
Some people need to sit at Mrs Pirie's car, [Mr Cutler's car]Jack's dad's car and other parents car.
It is so hot because it is spring and it is 200 miles away from Point View School.
So we turn up the heaters to keep us warm.
Once we have arrived to a school we walked on the sides of the pathway.
Because the cars will crash on you!
Once we walked to school we take a photo and eat our morning tea.
After morning tea,
We go and look at
the animals.
The classroom is smaller then our class and has 30 classrooms.
Theres pools more than Clevedon School but it is small but Clevedon school is much bigger.
We bring our lunch and our morning tea to eat before Ms Pirie says.
There is animal copertition the judge said to bring in the animals when the others go out of the yard.
We saw Cows, goats, plenty of sheep and dogs.After we listened to the principal we say goodbye.
We drove back to our school until Ms Pirie almost ran out of patrol and we go home.
By Lemond
We take money to buy food and stuff.

We pack up our bags and we go to the office.
Some people need to sit at Mrs Pirie's car, [Mr Cutler's car]Jack's dad's car and other parents car.
It is so hot because it is spring and it is 200 miles away from Point View School.
So we turn up the heaters to keep us warm.
Once we have arrived to a school we walked on the sides of the pathway.

Once we walked to school we take a photo and eat our morning tea.
After morning tea,
We go and look at
the animals.
The classroom is smaller then our class and has 30 classrooms.
Theres pools more than Clevedon School but it is small but Clevedon school is much bigger.
We bring our lunch and our morning tea to eat before Ms Pirie says.
There is animal copertition the judge said to bring in the animals when the others go out of the yard.
We saw Cows, goats, plenty of sheep and dogs.After we listened to the principal we say goodbye.
We drove back to our school until Ms Pirie almost ran out of patrol and we go home.
By Lemond
Friday, 21 November 2014
Athletics day
On athletics day we had a awesome time.
Everyone had so much fun in our class and lots of us got placings.Sienna came 2nd place in sprints.In high jump Zana came 2nd in 9 year old high jump and I came first in 8 year old high jump.
Even though the weather was a bit bad we still did all our activities. All of the middle school watched the finals of sprints and relays.In relays Room 11 girls came first and Room 30 girl's team,Sienna,Hannah,Lauren and me came 2nd place but in boys relay Room 13 came first but again Room 30 boy's team,Kairyn, Jared,Alex K, and Alvin came 2nd.
In the end everyone was very tired.
Everyone had so much fun in our class and lots of us got placings.Sienna came 2nd place in sprints.In high jump Zana came 2nd in 9 year old high jump and I came first in 8 year old high jump.
Even though the weather was a bit bad we still did all our activities. All of the middle school watched the finals of sprints and relays.In relays Room 11 girls came first and Room 30 girl's team,Sienna,Hannah,Lauren and me came 2nd place but in boys relay Room 13 came first but again Room 30 boy's team,Kairyn, Jared,Alex K, and Alvin came 2nd.
In the end everyone was very tired.
my BFF Evie
Even funnier than you think
Victoria and Evie are a pair or BFFS!
It's so funny of what sense of humour she has!
Evie is the best friend in the world!
Victoria and Evie are a pair or BFFS!
It's so funny of what sense of humour she has!
Evie is the best friend in the world!
Halo is an awesome game.Halo is a shooting game there is have to play with someone because you vs the second up is aliens you can have multiplayer so they can help you fight the enemies that will try to shoot you and kill you.if you punch a person two times they die or you can punch a alien.if you die you can respawn with your friend but they have to go some where can play halo on ps4,xbox 360,xbox (1st xbox),xbox one and ps3.
year 4 maths club
the year 4 maths club ended on the 20 of november 2014 the year 4 maths club learnt a lot about maths our teacher was mrs craig then mrs gibson . it was very fun
My BFF Vir and Kevin
Vir is from India
India is full of sand
Really good at science
Kevin is awesome
Early to school everyday
Very nice
Is my BFF
Nearly Year 5
our cleaveden buddies
yesterday our cleavden buddys came first we did a little wander round the school then we went to jump jam. after that it was morning tea to play and eat. after morning tea we did some weaving then we had to do a diagram.. then it was lunch to eat and play ..and then we did reading or the rest of are diagram after that we had a play on the playground then we had to say goodbye to our buddies.the end
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
My BFF Gladwyn
Gladwyn is an awesome friend. I play with him everyday. Every day we do our pokemon and lego clubs together. I want to be in his class next year!!!!!
roblox is awesome!
roblox is an awesome game you can play heaps of things it is online and you can chat to other people over the world you can make account for free but to get builders club it cost money you get roblox. you also can get friends. Connor and me play it if you want to friend request my username is creeperface776 or alertpopmusic.

Wearble arts
On Thursday we did our wearable arts. We were dressed in a roman toga and crowns and sandals. My partner was Bradly and Gladwyn. When we finish going on the cat walk we went off the stage and some I had trouble taking my sandles it hurt my tiny toe.It hurt really bad also I couldn't even stand!So all I did is hold the string thing and went crazy with it and... came off :) It did not feel good it hurt 100% Never ever do the same thing as me D: After we had our turn it was the sonir gate arts turn then i was happy that it was finish also i was we took a picture and i did not enjoy the toga picture.After it was finally morning tea :) Then we did some good old work and it was a bit boring. Also when I went home I was tired!Okay back to school and more wearable arts.On tuesday it was joiners turn then on thursday it was our turn i was not afraid going on the stage it was a short... a bit short i we had to be happy on stage because the song was happy and all i did is clap and that is all i did and i was bored so yea.
On Friday 31 October it was GRANDPARENTS day at point view school.The GRANDPARENTS came and GRANDPARENTS wasn't there because my GRANDPARENTS past away.In the morning the first thing we do was art that we did yesterday im am talking about our Roman tiles that we did.Then we did our spelling list from monday.Then we had morning tea all of us were so hungry.After morning tea we had to line up to go to the SPECIAL GRANDPARENTS ASEMBLY there was a samoa dance, The choir performed so as the seanoir choir, The middle school dance group and the junior dance group and more.Then it was lunch time thats when most of us ate with our GRANDPARENTS.After lunch time all the GRANDPARENTS left.Then in the classroom we were cleaning up and reading gangster granny.
Police Helicopter
On the Tuesday 11 November 2014,the police's came to our school. The police's were cool.I wish I would go on the and have a ride.If I was police,I will control the helicopter.
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